Brisbane Aerial Drone Photography of Apartment Construction at Newstead

Aerial Drone Photographs Newstead Apartment
An aerial drone was use to take photographs of this apartment under construction at Newstead, Brisbane. The DJI MavicPro to photograph the building site works at the Gasworks. At a height of 30metres AGL (above ground level), four portrait photographs where captured and processed in Autopano Giga to create the final panorama.
Drones in Construction
Drones are useful in the AEC industries of architecture, engineering and construction to undertake site survey work, track progress, plan operations and conduct safety assessments by providing a safe and rapid means of site data gathering.
Aerial Drone Panoramas
Aerial panoramas comprising of up to 20 individual drone photographs are possible and are ideal when a wide-angle view or representation of a physical location, such as a construction site is necessary. The photographs can be captured by a drone either manually or using pre-programmed autonomous flight apps depending on the final outcome required.
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Are you looking for end-to-end unmanned aerial drone solutions for your project or business needs